Monday, October 22, 2007

The Ant

While sitting outside enjoying the day, I watched as an ant tried to get from one side of the deck to the other. Easy enough you’d think, except he was carrying a leaf about 5 times his size. The leaf was so big that he could not see where he was going. He walked around in circles for several minutes and then finally got himself straightened out, but it took him about 10 minutes to get 3 feet, A) because he couldn’t see where he was going and kept veering off the path he was trying to travel, and B) the leaf was so heavy that it was slow going all the way. I watched him in complete fascination wanting to see how the journey ended. Suddenly, the ant fell into a hole, leaf and all. He tried his best 3 or 4 times to get climb out, but kept falling back in, never once letting go of the leaf. He was still struggling to get out when I went back inside. I wasn’t too worried because, as I was walking inside, I noticed that there were other ants hurrying to the rescue.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

For whatever reason this stayed on my mind for most of the evening as I considered myself. How like that ant I am, more days than not, determined to carry a big ol’ burden that is clearly too heavy too handle by myself. Not able to see where I am going, falling into depression (holes) that I can’t seem to climb out of, mainly because I won’t put my burden down long enough to find the way out. I wear myself out in every way lugging that burden around and I waste so much time along the way because the load is so heavy I can’t seem to walk very far at all.

I am so thankful that God sends my family and friends to my rescue, along the way, not only to help me carry my burden, but to encourage me to put it down. Actually, I don’t have to carry the burden at all… is too big most days. But, He has made a provision for His stubborn, determined child. He has placed wonderful people in my life to help me get where I am going, burden and all. Thank you, Jesus, for your love, your patience and your strength. I know You will never "leaf" me to myself, or let me stay in a hole too long, without sending help. You are awesome!


Gumbygrace said...

oh how I can relate!! If you ever need me, I'm just a phone call, email or blog away. Love u, Mel

Unknown said...

Thanks for your posting - it was really inspirational