Monday, January 14, 2008

Water Your Relationships!

Know what happens to plants when you don't water them? I do. I won this plant in a raffle at work. I don't remember what this plant was in its first life, but it was really pretty and colorful and full. I won it on a Friday afternoon and I meant to take it home with me and put it outside where it could get some sun and fresh air.

I forgot to take the plant home and this particular weekend included a holiday so it was a three day holiday weekend. By the time I got back to work, this is what my plant looked like. It was not salvageable....I watered it and coaxed it, begged it and even tried to bribe it, but it was too late....the plant had gone to that great garden in the sky. I hated to lose it, but it's a good lesson.

Have you watered your plants today? What about your relationships? They need water too. Make a concerted effort this year to water your relationships. Do not let them dry up or die from lack of attention. Like my plant, sometimes it is just too late. Sometimes, watering, coaxing, begging or bribing will not be able to bring that relationship back. Why is it that we suddenly have the time and effort AFTER it is too late? Put the effort and time in while your relationships are still alive and thriving.

Go out today and water your plants AND your relationships!

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