Tuesday, February 12, 2008

God's Glory in Rainbows

Just had to tell you about the rainbow I saw on the way home from work today. I took picures but they didn't come out very well...I was too excited I guess! I thank God for my rainbow today. I know it was mine because before I could get back in the car after I snapped the last picture, it was gone. It didn't fade away.....it was just gone. I'm not saying that others did not enjoy it....I certainly don't mind sharing, but I know it was my Daddy God connecting with me today. I think I'm God's biggest fan in His artistry....I tell Him constantly that He is my very favorite Artist. I don't really see many of his sunrises as I'm not really a morning person, but MAN, I LOVE His sunsets! Sometimes, I just stare (which is usually not a good idea while I'm driving....) And, sometimes, His Glory is displayed so loudly and beautifully, I wonder how everyone cannot hear Him. The Bible reminds me in Psalm 19:

The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,and their words to all the world.
My favorite sunsets are the ones where He picks up 4 or 5 paintbrushes at once, all soaked in different colors and justs slings paint all across the sky. Wow, it is so beautiful! Pinks, purples, blues, grays, yellows, reds....just so many colors. If you have not really checked out God's artwork in His sunsets, take the time to look. He is showing off just to get your attention. He sure has mine.

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